24 Products
Iberico Pork Collars
8 packs (approximately 19 lbs.)
Iberico Pork Spare Ribs
5 racks (approximatley 14 lbs.)
Iberico Pork Baby Back Ribs
6 racks (approximately 10 lbs.)
Iberico Pork Secreto
20 secretos (approximately 18 lbs.)
Iberico Pork Fat Back
4 packs (approximately 17 lbs.)
Magret (Moulard) Duck Legs
24 pieces (approximately 19 lbs.)
Iberico Pork Bellies
4 bellies (approximately 20 lbs.)
Iberico Pork End Loins (Pluma)
approximately 24 cuts (about 17 lbs.)
Magret (Moulard) Duck Breast
20 pieces (approximately 19 lbs.)
Iberico Pork Lagrimas
approximately 24 cuts (about 21 lbs.)
Iberico Pork Abanico
36 pieces (approximately 20 lbs.)
Iberico Pork Belly Filet (Secreto Barriguera)
16 pieces (approximately 20 lbs.)
Iberico Pork Striploins
8 striploins (approximately 22 lbs.)
Iberico Pork Tenderloins
12 packs (approximately 17 lbs.)
Ground Iberico Pork
2 packs (10 lbs.)
Acorn-Fed Iberico Pork Secretos
18 secretos (approximately 17 lbs.)
Out of Stock
Iberico Pork Frenched Racks (Chuletero)
6 racks (approximately 16 lbs.)
Out of Stock
Duck Eggs
40 duck eggs
Out of Stock
Smoked Duck Breasts
6 breasts (approximately 4 lbs.)
Out of Stock
Duck Prosciutto
6 packs (4.5 lbs.)
Out of Stock
Acorn-Fed Iberico Pork Tenderloin, (Solomillo)
20 tenderoins (approximatley 14 lbs.)
Out of Stock
Acorn-fed Iberico Pork Shoulder Eye Steak (Presa)
approx. 18lbs total
Out of Stock
Iberico Bellota End Loin (Pluma)
approx. 18lbs total
Out of Stock
Iberico Pork Trim (Magro)
Approximately 23 lbs.