Wholesale Beef

Our bulk beef products include Silver Fern Farms grass-fed Angus, 100% pasture-raised in New Zealand; Irish Nature Beef, the most sustainable, humanely treated, grain-fed beef you can buy, and Texas Wagyu beef, famous for its intense marbling & exquisite tenderness. If you buy beef in bulk, we also offer many different bulk steaks, as well as wholesale burgers .

25 Products
Grass-Fed Beef Point-End Briskets
3 briskets (approximately 30 lbs.)
Grass-fed Beef Whole Ribeye
4 whole ribeye rolls (approximately 38 lbs.)
Grass-Fed Beef Tenderloin
5 tenderloins (approximately 28 lbs.)
Grass-Fed Beef Chuck Rolls
3 chuck rolls (approximately 42 lbs.)
Grass-Fed Beef Shoulder Tenders (Teres Majors)
28 teres major steaks (approximately 17 lbs.)
Grass-Fed Beef Flanken Cut Short Ribs
7 packs (approximately 10lbs.)
Grass-Fed Angus Beef Top Sirloin Steak
20 steaks (approximately 10 lbs.)
Grass-fed Beef Top Sirloin
8 top sirloins (approximately 45 lbs.)
Grass-Fed Top Round Beef
4 top rounds (approximately 42 lbs.)
Grass Fed Beef Eye of Round
10 eye rounds (approximately 50 lbs.)
Grass-Fed Angus Beef Cheeks
3 packs (approximately 8 lbs.)
Grass-Fed Beef Flat Iron Steaks
12 flat irons (approximately 40 lbs.)
Grass-fed Beef Hanging Tender
16 steaks (approximately 34 lbs.)
Grass-Fed Outside Skirt Steaks
30 skirts steaks (approximately 35 lbs.)
Grass-Fed Beef Chuck Roast
4 chuck roasts (approximately 10 lbs.)
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Grass-fed Beef Tri Tip
16 tri-tips (approximately 30 lbs.)
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Grass-fed Beef Flank Steaks
20 flank steaks (approximately 32 lbs.)
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Whole Bone-In Ribeyes
2 whole ribeyes (approximately 30 lbs.)
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Grass-Fed Beef Whole Striploins
4 striploins (approximately 37 lbs.)
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Grass-Fed Beef Round Sirloin Tip Steaks
15 culottes (approximately 40 lbs.)
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Grass-Fed Beef Bolar Blades
5 bolar blades (approximately 44 lbs.)
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Grass-Fed Boneless Short Ribs
6 pieces (approximately 40 lbs.)
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Grass-Fed Inner Skirt Steaks
20 skirt steaks (approximately 42 lbs.)
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