Bone-In Rabbit Saddles

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6 packs (approximately 22 lbs.)

Rabbit saddles are the main body of the rabbit, minus the legs and head. Saddle meat is particularly tender, with a mild and easily adaptable flavor somewhat similar to chicken, but richer. Like most game meats, it is low in fat, calories and cholesterol.

Bone-in saddles offer more shape and structure than boneless rabbit saddles, and are commonly roasted whole in Europe.

Air chilling rabbits, as opposed to the cheaper and more common industrial water chilling, is a more environmentally sound process that generates less waste. It further improves the flavor and texture of the meat because air-chilled rabbits don’t absorb water during the chilling process.

These rabbits are raised by Grupo Hermi, a company that has been raising top quality rabbits in Spain for over 40 years. They control all aspects of production from breeding for superior genetics to innovative farming, processing & packaging. European chefs have very high standards when it comes to rabbit, and Grupo Hermi delivers.


6 vacuum sealed packs, 6 saddles per pack (approximately 22 lbs.)


  • Bone In
  • Vegetarian Fed
  • Air Chilled
  • No Added Hormones or Sub-Therapeutic Antibiotics
  • Vacuum Packed
  • Frozen



Store rabbit meat in your freezer until you're ready to use it.

Thawing Tips

Bone-in rabbit saddles are particularly well suited to roasting whole. A single saddle will generally serve two people. The meat can also be cut off for sautéing or frying as portions or medallions.

Because rabbit dries out easily when overcooked, many chefs prefer to cook it until it’s medium rare (just until the meat turns opaque).

If you’re concerned about the rabbit drying out anyway, or are planning on cooking it further, consider wrapping the saddle in caul fat, bacon, or pancetta (this technique is called “barding”) so that the added fat will baste the rabbit as it roasts. If desired, the bacon or pancetta can then be removed prior to serving.

Rabbit meat’s flavor pairs well with onions, bacon, thyme and most other herbs, mustard, juniper berries, fruit, red wine, and mushrooms.

Rabbit Recipes

Discover all you need to know about cooking rabbit in one handy guide. Go to the Guide →

Discover other ways to cook rabbit. Go to the Test Kitchen →

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