Tender, easy to cook, and delicious, wild boar tenderloins are a great way to try this exotic game meat for the first time. They're delicious marinated, brined, or coated with a spice rub and then grilled or roasted.
Wild boar's flavor is slightly sweet and nutty from its diet of foraged nuts and other foods from the forest. The tenderloin comes from the back of the boar, running from the shoulder to the leg. Because the boar does not use these muscles very often, the meat in wild boar tenderloins is very tender.
Food & Wine Magazine has called our wild boar "the ultimate sustainable meat" – read the full article. Unlike much of the wild boar on the market, ours isn't farm-raised—it's truly wild, trapped in the Texas Hill Country.
The wildness of true wild boar meat gives it a distinct game flavor that farm-raised wild boar simply cannot match. Although similar to domestic pork and farm-raised wild boar, wild wild boar has a deeper color, leaner texture, tighter grain, and bolder taste.