Shoots Sampler

Approximately 16oz. | Free Shipping

Try several crisp, juicy, and beautiful shoots in a single order.  This sampler contains 4oz each of four varieties (16oz total), selected as examples of the range of tastes, shapes and colors shoots offer.  It includes:

Red Kaiware Shoots™
Gold Edamame Shoots
Gold Mung Shoots
Gold Fava Shoots

Red Kaiware Shoots™ are the most flashy variety, with a deep purple-pink flavor and a fairly strong, spicy radish flavor. 

Gold Edamame Shoots have yellow-gold stems and crunchy bean-like tops.  They’re more substantial than the other shoot varieties and can be used raw or very lightly cooked.

Gold Mung Shoots have delicate stems topped with pairs of thin, pointed leaves.  Their flavor is extremely mild, so they’re a great way to add a little crisp crunch and color to sandwiches and salads without conflicting with other ingredients.

Gold Fava Shoots have a crisp, refreshing texture and a lettuce-like flavor.


4 varieties, approximately 4oz. each (about 16oz.)


  • Freshly Cut


Available Year Round




Store shoots in your refrigerator in their plastic clamshells. Note: Extended periods of light exposure can change gold shoots’ color to a greener tint.

Shelf Life:

Kaiware Shoots: Up to 9 days.
Edamame Shoots: Up to 15 days.
Mung Shoots: Up to 7 days.
Fava Shoots: Up to a month.

Add shoots to sandwiches and salads to introduce additional color, texture and (depending on the variety) flavors. They can also be used as a garnish for almost any dish or as a base for steaks, chicken, or sashimi.

Red Kaiware shoots bring radish-like spice to dishes.

Edamame shoots are tender enough to eat raw, but can also be very lightly cooked (steamed, blanched, or very lightly sautéed). Try serving them lightly sprinkled with salt for an unusual twist on the traditional edamame soy bean appetizer.

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