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  • Fresh Micro Marigolds™

Fresh Micro Marigolds™

Approximately 800 flowers | Free Shipping

Micro Marigold™ flowers are small yellow, orange and/or dark orange blossoms on green stems. They have a citrusy, minty herb flavor that works well in salads and as an edible garnish on some dishes.

Micro Marigold™ flowers range from about ½” to 1” wide (rough estimate), with approximately ¾” long green stems attached. They tend to float well in liquids, though how well can vary with the shape of each blossom.


4 clamshells, approximately 200 flowers per clamshell (about 800 flowers)


  • Freshly Cut
  • Mixed Color Blend




Store Micro Marigold™ flowers in their plastic clamshells in your refrigerator.

Shelf Life:

4-5 days.

Micro marigolds can be used as a decoration for plates, banquets, etc, as an edible garnish for food (as long as their strong flavor is taken into account). They can also be tossed in salads to add color and flavor.

Some edible flowers may wilt or change color when exposed to vinegar, so if using a vinegar-based dressing on salads containing edible flowers, test it on a few blossoms ahead of time and/or add it at the last second.

Edible Flower Recipes, Info & Techniques

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